"MANASSÉ" means
"To make you forget the sorrows"
The loss of a loved one is an unspeakable pain, what about those children who have lost their parents. To give them our support and love was obvious. The Manassé Foundation works to help and support children in its orphanage located in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Our president, Mrs. Junot DA SILVA
Junot Da Silva is the founder and president of the Manassé Foundation. Mother of five children and already a grandmother, Mrs. Da Silva has always loved to help her neighbor, a quality she inherited from her late father who had instilled in her values such as compassion, generosity and charity. During her many trips to the Democratic Republic of Congo, she noticed the alarming situation of orphans in her native country. For her, creating this foundation, and within it the orphanage, was an obvious choice in view of the values she was given. It is all the more important for her to start this project in Kinshasa, the city where she grew up.


The orphans
At present, we are sheltering twenty-seven children including a young mother in the Manassé orphanage. It is located in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. To provide for the needs of the children and the young mother, we carry out various actions in France and abroad. They take the form of sponsorships, volunteer work, donations or collection days. Everything that the Manassé Foundation collects will result in the recovery of clothing, books or even school textbooks. Financial donations are returned to the children in the form of material goods or services, always with a socio-cultural objective (such as tutoring).

Young mothers
For the moment, the Manassé Foundation is sheltering a young mother. Our mission is to welcome more of them in order to provide teenage mothers with a shelter, which is also a safe place where they will not lack anything. To enable us to open the doors of the orphanage to more young mothers, for whom life has not been easy, we need more resources, financial but not only. To be expanded, the orphanage needs to be maintained and to have sufficient food, material and human resources. However, we are certain that it is possible thanks to our generous donors, time and will.
What we bring them:

Children are followed up throughout their schooling so that they can emancipate themselves.

We bring them all the comfort and affection they need.

Many activities are organized
in order to foster social relationships.

Agricultural land
When the Manassé Foundation was created, the objective was clear: to create a self-sufficient economy that would meet standards. We therefore acquired five exploitable hectares, which would allow the orphanage to meet most of its food needs. Maintaining this land also requires resources, which would create employment and generate a regular income for the locals. To carry out this project, the orphanage needs financial support.
C’est en faisant don de leur énergie qu’ils permettent de concrétiser les grands projets et les engagements de la Fondation.

Esther ASE

Directrice Projets Évènementiels

Graphic Designer

Directrice Administrative & Financière

Chargée de Projets Événementiels

Responsable Projets Sociaux-Culturels

Roberta BEDI
Responsable Communication Digitale
At the orphanage in Kinshasa
The main responsibility of the housekeeper is to ensure the safety and care of the children. She is also in charge of the maintenance and cleanliness of the orphanage.
The cook is in charge of preparing the evening and weekend meals. The children are half boarders at the school where they study.
The bursar is in charge of the logistics of the orphanage. He takes care of the management of food and equipment (electricity, car...).
The driver accompanies the children daily to school but also during extra-curricular outings organized by the Manassé Foundation office.